Hey everyone,
Summer is here! I completed my novel! Yahoo!!! Now for the truly difficult work - publishing it! I will keep you posted on how that is going.
Currently, I am building new episodes for Candid & Raw's podcast. This new season has been a lot of fun, although we have not yet secured interviews. Hopefully, that will come soon.
I'm a superstar supporter of small businesses and independent contractors. I am giving a few shout-outs - so don't forget to check them out below.
JuNoWriMo is coming to an end soon, but there are some great writing sprints
#junowrimo on Twitter and IG
Follow and get in on the fun!

For all my writer friends, July's Camp is gearing up! Hop over to
and join. Set a goal for the month and write on!
Launch a project, use the great tracking tools, and join a forum to keep you motivated.
Feel free to join my group
There are many groups to join, but a few great ones are below!
Head over to Pep talks - great inspirational letters from authors are available.
BTW, writers don't forget to soak up the sun this summer. We've all been housebound far too long, so go outdoors!
See you soon!
Stay Curious!
Small Businesses and Contractors
Live in Palm Beach and looking for an incredible hair stylist, check out Styles By Queen B
IG - #styled_byqueenb84
Luxury handbags - Fashion with a purpose Shop Sincerity Johnson
Wonderfully scented does a body good 100% all-natural scrubs and lotions made to order! - NiAva LLC
IG- #Niava_bodybar
Check these wonderful ladies out!